Week 5 Parent Newsletter – September 11-15, 2006
Mr. Langhorst – 8th Grade American History
South Valley Junior High School
This Week in Class – The Road to Revolution
As we dig into week 5 of the first semester we are finishing our unit on the causes leading up to the American Revolution. This week we take a closer look at the start of the continental army with George Washington at the helm and the creation of the Declaration of Independence. We have an interesting writing assignment with the Declaration of Independence on Wednesday and Thursday (ask you student about it after the complete it in class, I don’t want to give away the surprise) and a Jeopardy game style review to help prepare for the test on Friday.
Unit 1 “The Road to Revolution” Test on Friday
Our first unit test of the year will be coming up on Friday over Unit 1. The students have been filling out their note packet on the first unit and will use it to help study for the test and then turn it in on Friday for a completion grade. The students will take the test in the computer lab on Friday. The testing is completing with an online assessment program called Quia which gives the students instant feedback on the test they just took and gives me instant feedback on how the class is doing on specific questions and items. If you would like to find out more about how I use Quia in the classroom you can listen to the most recent podcast from Speaking of History – www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/speakingofhistory40.mp3
Study Guides and StudyCasts for Unit 1
There are several items available online to help your student prepare for the test. The first in an audio review called a “StudyCast” that allows you to listen to a 20 minute review of the material to be covered on the test. I started the use of StudyCasts in the classroom last year and it was very successful. You can listen to the MP3 file through the speakers on your computer. Students have the advantage of listening to the StudyCast as many times as they wish and pause it at any point. Last year several parents commented that they listened to the StudyCast with their students. The Unit 1 StudyCast can be heard at: www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/unit1studycast2006.mp3 Since the StudyCast is an MP3 file it can also be downloaded to a portable MP3 player like an i-Pod. Students that do not have Internet access at home can request a CD copy of the review which they can use at home on a CD player.
A paper copy of the Unit 1 Study Guide is also available. Students were given a paper copy in class earlier this week but it can also be viewed online at: www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/unit1studyguide.pdf It can be viewed as a PDF file on your computer or printed out on a printer.
Classroom Web Site Recognized by Education World
This week I was honored to be featured on the Teacher Feature page of the Education World web site. It describes some of the ways we use technology in the classroom including book blogs and podcasting. You can view the article at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/teacher_feature/teacher_feature124.shtml
Site of the Week – Tips for Parents from MSTA
This week’s site is from the Missouri State Teachers Association. The organization produces a 12 page guide with tips for parents to help their student succeed in the classroom. It contains suggestions on specifics like math and science homework as well items for parent teacher conferences. It is available to view and/or print as a pdf file at: http://www.msta.org/files/regions/tipsforparents.pdf
Have a great week and please email me any questions or concerns you may have and I will respond as quickly possible. Thanks.
Eric Langhorst
Mr. Langhorst – 8th Grade American History
South Valley Junior High School
This Week in Class – The Road to Revolution
As we dig into week 5 of the first semester we are finishing our unit on the causes leading up to the American Revolution. This week we take a closer look at the start of the continental army with George Washington at the helm and the creation of the Declaration of Independence. We have an interesting writing assignment with the Declaration of Independence on Wednesday and Thursday (ask you student about it after the complete it in class, I don’t want to give away the surprise) and a Jeopardy game style review to help prepare for the test on Friday.
Unit 1 “The Road to Revolution” Test on Friday
Our first unit test of the year will be coming up on Friday over Unit 1. The students have been filling out their note packet on the first unit and will use it to help study for the test and then turn it in on Friday for a completion grade. The students will take the test in the computer lab on Friday. The testing is completing with an online assessment program called Quia which gives the students instant feedback on the test they just took and gives me instant feedback on how the class is doing on specific questions and items. If you would like to find out more about how I use Quia in the classroom you can listen to the most recent podcast from Speaking of History – www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/speakingofhistory40.mp3
Study Guides and StudyCasts for Unit 1
There are several items available online to help your student prepare for the test. The first in an audio review called a “StudyCast” that allows you to listen to a 20 minute review of the material to be covered on the test. I started the use of StudyCasts in the classroom last year and it was very successful. You can listen to the MP3 file through the speakers on your computer. Students have the advantage of listening to the StudyCast as many times as they wish and pause it at any point. Last year several parents commented that they listened to the StudyCast with their students. The Unit 1 StudyCast can be heard at: www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/unit1studycast2006.mp3 Since the StudyCast is an MP3 file it can also be downloaded to a portable MP3 player like an i-Pod. Students that do not have Internet access at home can request a CD copy of the review which they can use at home on a CD player.
A paper copy of the Unit 1 Study Guide is also available. Students were given a paper copy in class earlier this week but it can also be viewed online at: www.liberty.k12.mo.us/~elanghorst/unit1studyguide.pdf It can be viewed as a PDF file on your computer or printed out on a printer.
Classroom Web Site Recognized by Education World
This week I was honored to be featured on the Teacher Feature page of the Education World web site. It describes some of the ways we use technology in the classroom including book blogs and podcasting. You can view the article at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/teacher_feature/teacher_feature124.shtml
Site of the Week – Tips for Parents from MSTA
This week’s site is from the Missouri State Teachers Association. The organization produces a 12 page guide with tips for parents to help their student succeed in the classroom. It contains suggestions on specifics like math and science homework as well items for parent teacher conferences. It is available to view and/or print as a pdf file at: http://www.msta.org/files/regions/tipsforparents.pdf
Have a great week and please email me any questions or concerns you may have and I will respond as quickly possible. Thanks.
Eric Langhorst